Valad Infotech

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    • We confirm our expertise on almost all known PMS such as NS, AMOS, PAL, CFM, Mespas R5, Sertica, Bassnet, Shipmanager to name a few and have built more than 1600 databases for owners, managers, and software companies directly for various size and type of vessels. We can populate data in front end / spreadsheet template of specific PMS, as required.
    • We can take your vessels from any country or port around the world. Our engineers are ex-sea farers with valid seaman books. We may ask you to assist you with documents and process visas ourselves wherever required.
    • Once we have manuals with us, we have them scanned in about 2 days’ time and in quick time whatever information is required, soft copy manuals for the same can be provided, while we continue with digitization process. The only time you will miss your manuals is during transit to our office, which should not be more than 4-5 days.
    • This is a common concern however we have a Long term Inventory management solution in addition to one time visit, which will take care, update and sync your PMS entries and physical stock for the contracted period of 2-3-5 years as applicable. For more details, please feel free to reach out to us on
    • Needless to mention our expertise and understanding of various PMS, their structure and their fields. We map fields of old and new system and then migrate the data without any loss of data, however the system is as good as the data in it, hence we recommend to have data validation and standardized data for migration, which is also our expertise. The quantum of migration is upon your discretion and requirement. We can go up to migration of purchase, maintenance and work order history (maximum 5 years), besides usual migration of spares, jobs etc.
    • Although we discourage this practise but we are proud that have been able to assist our clients in past with quick ramp up, training, and mobilisation of resources to support them with their tight timelines as per their commitments, which is why they continue to engage us for different activities in their organisation.

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